Saturday, May 11, 2013

MTC week 6

Minsan Konnichiwa!

Nothing ever stays the same here in the MTC tons and tons of missionaries are coming in and out each week! Because of the influx of Japanese missionaries they had to create a new MTC Japanese branch. So we got moved into the new branch. But luckily our schedule is mostly the same. In the new branch my companion and I got a calling to be the Music Coordinators! Yaay for callings!
So as I've mentioned in previous letters there are three "levels" or "classes" for Japanese missionaries in the MTC when your the newbies your "kohai" when you're in the middle you're "senpai" and when you're the oldest you're "daisenpai". Our daisenpai left this week so WE ARE OFFICIALLY DAISENPAI!!!! It was really sad to see all of them leave though because we had gotten close to them all. Japan is getting some awesome new missionaries!

The MTC is packed to the brim! Its a mad house in here! Every computer, every washer and dryer every bed is filled!! The lines for meals are long and getting into devotional can be difficult. BUT thats awesome because the World is ready for all these missionaries!! Such an exciting work!

In the MTC we do this thing called "progressing investigator". The first hour of each class we teach our teacher in companionships as they act as an investigator. The first few weeks we just wrote everything beforehand and read it off in the lesson but lately I find myself making up sentences and promises without really knowing how I am doing it! I feel like something just clicked the grammar principles and vocab are somehow mixing together! We are teaching someone named "Meyumi Shimai" She was raised catholic and believes in God and Jesus Christ. Two lessons ago we asked her to be baptized and she said no because she has already been baptized before. In our last lesson we talked more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and repentence and the atonement. As she read Alma 7:11-12 the spirit was so strong, I felt prompted to go off the lesson plan and ask her right there if she thought those verses were true. She said yes! I then told her that I know those verses were true and I know the entire Book of Mormon is true. I asked her if she thought it was all true too and she said yes! The spirit was so strong so again, we asked her to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone with authority to do so. She said was still concerned and asked if she had to be baptized again into THIS church. We explained that we have the proper priesthood authority from God. She asked how and we told her that it was given to Joseph Smith. I felt prompted to ask her if she knew that Joseph Smith was a prophet. She said that because he translated the Book of Mormon, she new that he was. We then invited her again with tears in our eyes if she would follow the example of Jesus Christ by getting baptized by someone holding God's authority. While fighting back tears, she accepted! What joy filled the room!! That is the reason why I am serving a mission! To bring others to Christ! My Japanese isn't very good but the Lord will use me as a tool in his hands if I study and be obedient!

Sometimes at the MTC people say I can't wait until my REAL mission starts, but I know my mission has already begun. The Lord is molding me into to missionary he wants me to be. In 3 Nephi 27:27 is says, "Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am." I replaced the word "men" with the word "missionary" What manner of missionary ought ye to be? Even as I am! Thats the secret to missionary work! Striving to be like Christ is all ways!

We are representatives of Jesus the Christ, who was born of humble birth, who took on the sins, pains, and afflictions of the world and who died on Calvary. I am so grateful for His love and His sacrifice! So as His representative I will smile and rejoice in this life! Rejoice in my God for it is in this strength that I can do all things! Including learning Japanese! I will praise His name forever!

I know that this is where I am supposed to be, the Lord is preparing people in Japan to hear the good news of the Gospel! I can't wait to meet them! Strive to lift others up and bring them closer to Christ!

I love you all thanks for your continual support and love through letters and packages! I appreciate it so much! Keep those dear elders coming! I love them!


Capener Shimai

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